Home - DVD’s

Welcome to the Digital service manuals shop. We have gathered many thousands of service manuals of brands that are long gone. If you need a service manual on any brand or models please don’t hesitate to contact us. If we have it we will make it available.

Notice : We take pride in presenting the service manuals in the best quality possible. However, as the manuals are collected from all over the world and from various sources, the quality of the scanned items can vary. Please rest assured that all items are readable and useable.
One manual can contain several models.

[1] We are shipping dvd’s by airpost.
[2] After sending parcel receipt copy by e-mail.
[3] You receive dvd’s parcel in 3 or 5 day’s.
[4] Each dvd size is 4 gb.
[5] Each dvd inside have above 1500 service manuals.
[6] Each dvd cost is only 20$.
[7] Which brand dvd’s you need please send e-mail.

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